Cinderella themed Baby shower

When a client just simply gives you a brief of Cinderella the ideas are endless... sadly like most events it all comes down to time but for the time we had I was pleased with what we achieved.

The event was held in the beautiful barn at Skylark 

We started at the entrance to welcome the girls with a glass of champagne ... which called for my champagne tree, with a back drop of moss, hanging silver slippers and a pink floral base 

Champagne tree - with mossed wall


On the opposite side of the barn I created a simple moss wall with touches of manzanita branches to the sides holding pink Hydrangea having a back drop to the wonderful harpest 

Moss wall 3 panels


We then had a little fun with the photo booth - Although my dark side warmed to the pumpkin I had to remind myself this was a baby shower .. pretty and pink so we kept to the carriage 

Open Photo Booth banana bark Carriage


Finally for the tables where the girls would sit and eat , keeping it low but still in the same theme small moss ball carriages on a bed of moss and pink floral content

Carriage table centres
